Yes, you are in the right spot if you are looking for Mindful Mix
Many of the services you received from Mindful Mix are still available through Stratus Concept.
Whether you need a new website or simply want to enhance your current website, our designers & developers build and maintain websites that drive traffic and are user-friendly as well as mobile responsive.
First impressions matter! Graphic design needs to deliver. We help you stand out from your competition by creating an identity that encompasses your values, culture, and the overall message you want to send to your audience.
Measuring analytics is important to gauging your return on investment. As marketing has evolved in the digital space, we are more and more capable of tracking activity and engagement on your web site, social media platforms, and e-mail campaigns. We take the results and evaluate what’s working and what’s not. Modifying your game is essential to heightening visibility online and driving traffic to your web site.
So how do you keep your social media platforms chock-full of information that attracts your audience? Our strategists and copywriters will help you create engaging and sharable content that primarily lives on your website. After all, one of the main goals to social media marketing to to drive your target audience to your website where they can have an experience that moves them along the sales funnel.